Yoga Doga

This is what happens anytime I try to put together a yoga class in my apartment:


KeeLee always feels the need to plop down right next to me while I’m in my yoga poses. She’s just a dog who likes to do doga (dog yoga) while I’m doing yoga. Any time I get into downward facing dog she’s right there next to me, well under me and jumping around, all excited. And if I’m doing a spinal twist on the floor, like in the picture above, she must lay right next to my arm. Silly dog, yoga is for humans…she’s quite unique though. Unlike most dogs who stretch in a down dog pose, she always has one leg lifted while stretching. I always say, streeeetttch in that down dog split! I’ve never seen a dog so talented. So maybe she’s a doga master after all and feels the need to assist me in my practice.

ImageAnyways, this is how I spend most of my lazy afternoons and mornings trying to figure out what to do next in each class (*note: not long after this picture was taken I accidentally dropped my coffee and it went down those slats into my neighbors balcony–thank the Lord they weren’t sitting under there…Lindsay couldn’t control her laughter). I’ve never had a lot of respect for Bikram yoga teachers because, from what I’ve heard they just teach the same class over and over again. Other yoga teachers must be creative, producing a different flow and practice each class. I must say, I feel as if I’ve hit a creative rut lately-probably due to the fact I haven’t had much time for a practice of my own. Taking other people’s classes always inspires me. I feel like I can always take away something from the class whether I liked it or not. I’m looking forward to taking a free yoga class on Monday nights from this girl at a gym I teach at (Amerifit) on Tuesday nights. Teaching at these two gyms has been a bit of a challenge, more so at Platinum Fitness because I have all ages (20’s-70’s) and that is very hard to find a balance for everyone. It’s all great experience though and I’m learning each class new things-especially about myself as a teacher.

I find after every class me telling myself it was an okay class or a horrible one that I just taught. In all reality I know it was just a fine class, but I’ve always been extremely hard on myself. I’m changing this way of thinking and accepting each class that I teach as a good one as long as I stay committed to my student through the entire 60 minutes. Continuously feeling these negative thoughts about my teaching  is only going to drain my love and passion for both teaching and for yoga. I need to have a little more self love and appreciation for my teaching because the truth is I know I am a hell of a good teacher. I know not everyone is going to love my classes, I’ve accepted that already but it’s time for me to start feeling good about what I’m giving out to people. This can of course translate into any situation in life. You just have to have confidence in yourself and know that you are worth it (*enter cheesy, inspirational music here). After all I know of one person, well doggie, who likes my yoga 🙂

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