Stephen King kind of night


So my roommate has this job where she helps blow up those big bouncy houses that kids jump around in. Anytime someone asks her she gets really embarrassed about it and talks her job down. To me, I think it’s way better than being like oh yeah, I work at Olive Garden…yeah…I serve people food and make money. If I was her I’d be like oh yeah man I blow up big bouncy houses all day and work at these awesome events where kids run around and go crazy.

Anyway, point to this story is that she has weird hours and has been working the past weekend at night as well as this one. The only friends that I have left in Pittsburgh are Bill, who is at a wedding tonight, and Celina who works as well tonight. This leaves me sitting on my couch on a Saturday night next to KeeLee, the fluffy dog who sleeps and would do anything to be walked 24/7.

What better to do than read some Stephen King and drink some wine. When I buy wine I look for two things 1) have I heard of your name before 2) are you under 8 dollars. So I ended up with a nice red Sutter House wine, the kind Renee and I always got (back in the ‘college days’). Yes, I’m cheap. That’s the life of a college graduate where money is so precious. And yes, this has been my crazy interesting life these days.

My plan tomorrow is to find a Catholic church because last Sunday I made the mistake of attending a Baptist church. Which you know I’m all for Baptist churches but this one was just a little too intense for me. Not to mention they stalked me (well I stupidly wrote down where I live on the guest welcome card I had to fill out) and left cookies on my doorstep! Basically to be like COME BACK AND PRAISE THE LORD WITH US NEXT SUNDAY! I’m sorry, the entire experience was a little to intense for me. I felt like the poor girl from the movie ‘Saved’, when she gets attacked by the religious psycho played by Mandy Moore. YOU MUST BOW YOUR HEAD AND GIVE THANKS! Yes, I know. Now back off bro.

Now back to being lost in a Steven King novel of a girl lost in the woods…

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